Surgery can set you back from returning to your everyday life. With the help of Best Physical Therapist Brooklyn, you’ll help your body recover and learn how to perform tasks again safely. Our physical therapist will perform techniques to relieve pain, improve your strength, and increase your range of motion of whatever part of your body had an operation. At H&D Physical Therapy, we aim to help you get you back into the swing of things post-surgery. Continue reading to learn how physical therapy can help you recover after surgery.

How Post Surgery Physical Therapy Can Help You

Physical therapy courses take time and effort to complete, but the outcome is worth the wait. Some ways physical therapy can help you after a debilitating surgery include the following:

  • Improve movement and range of motion
  • Strengthen your muscles
  • Lessen pain levels
  • Help you walk again
  • Teach you to do daily activities with ease
Best Physical Therapist Brooklyn

Examples of daily tasks that a physical therapist can teach you how to perform safely include:

  • Bathing
  • Climbing stairs
  • Getting dressed
  • Getting up from a chair or bed
  • Taking care of yourself

When Physical Therapy Is Given

No matter what kind of surgery you have, physical therapy can help accelerate your recovery time. A physical therapist could work with you while you are still in the hospital if your surgery is intense. The physical therapist can help you get out of the hospital bed and start to walk around. They will also give you exercises to practice when you go home and expect you to follow up with routine physical therapy appointments. For less intense surgeries, physical therapy can start after leaving the hospital. You may expect to attend appointments one to three times a week. Keeping up with appointments and practicing techniques at home in between sessions can keep you on the right road to recovery. 

What to Do Along With Physical Therapy

Physical therapy is an efficient way to help decrease the time it takes to recover. However, additional steps taken can help stay on track towards a speedy recovery. These steps include:

  • Not pushing your limits
  • Moving around when possible
  • Taking your medication as prescribed
  • Eating and drinking enough
  • Not going back to work too soon
  • Not driving before you are ready
  • Doing recommended at-home exercises and stretches

Physical Therapy Practices: Best Physical Therapist Brooklyn

Your physical therapist will teach you exercises and stretches during Best Physical Therapist Brooklyn to gain strength and improve your range of motion. In addition to these physical activities, pain relief techniques can be administered. One option for pain relief is hot and cold therapy. Hot and cold therapy can ease swelling in addition to reducing pain. Another option is Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS). TENS includes a battery-operated device sending low levels of electricity into the area where you hurt. It floods your nerves with signals and gets you to temporarily not feel pain. Massage therapy is also a physical therapy practice that can help. Massage therapy consists of the manipulation of the body’s tissues through massage. It can be beneficial after surgery to lessen muscle tension and pain. During physical therapy in Sutton Place, hot and cold therapy, TENS, and massage therapy is used.

Contact H&D Best Physical Therapist Brooklyn

Our team of physical therapists is well-trained and prepared to offer you treatment after your surgery, no matter how big or small. You can reduce pain levels and gain your strength back through Best Physical Therapist Brooklyn. At H&D Physical Therapy, we focus on helping our patients get back to a routine. Contact our office to learn how physical therapy can be beneficial to you.

Sports injuries present themselves during physical activities like exercise or sports. A sports injury can occur at any age of life and set you back from performing. Sports injuries can be a risk when a person does not warm up properly, has not been active recently, or plays a contact sport. At H&D Physical Therapy, we assess and treat all different sports injuries. We suggest Best Physical Therapist Brooklyn if you have obtained a sports injury and seek relief.

Types of Sports Injuries

Some signs that indicate an injury needs attention include pain, swelling, and bruising. Symptoms and complications vary between the different types of sports injuries. Some examples of the most common sports injuries we treat with Best Physical Therapist Brooklyn include:

  • Achilles tendon rupture- The breakage or rupturing of the Achilles tendon that is located at the back of the ankle. Sudden pain and difficulty walking will result.
  • Dislocations- The removal of the bone from the socket. Dislocation may follow with swelling and weakness.
  • Fractures- A breakage or partial breakage of a bone.
  • Knee injuries- Any injury that affects how the knee moves, varying from overstretching to a muscle tear in the knee. 
  • Rotator cuff injury- A tear in one of the four pieces of muscle that allow your shoulder to move. 
  • Sprains- The overstretching or tearing of a ligament, which holds two pieces of bone together.
  • Strains- The overstretching or tearing of a muscle or tendon. Tendons connect bone to muscle.
  • Swollen muscles- The swelling and weakness of a muscle, which commonly accompanies a sports injury.
Physical Therapy in New York City

Risks Factors of Sports Injuries

Regardless of the amount of experience a person may have, an injury can always be possible when playing sports or exercising. One risk factor that can increase obtaining a sports injury is age. As you age, your flexibility, muscle mass, and strength decrease, making you more susceptible to damage. Another risk factor is being overweight. Holding extra weight on your body can put more stress on your joints, increasing even more when being active. Lack of care for previous injuries is another risk factor because it can become more severe if an injury is left untreated. Don’t leave your injury untreated. Get relief with Best Physical Therapist Brooklyn.

Treatment of Common Sports Injuries

Sports injuries are addressed differently depending on the location of the damage and its severity. Some of the treatment methods which you can use to heal a sports-related injury include the following:

  • The RICE method- The RICE method consists of resting, icing, compressing, and elevating the site of a mild injury. Within the first 24 hours of obtaining the injury, you should use this method to reduce swelling, bruising, and pain.
  • Over-the-counter and prescription medicines- A doctor can prescribe medication to treat a sport-related injury by relieving pain and inflammation. 
  • Surgery- More severe injuries can require surgery. Surgery can fully repair damaged tissue, align bones, or re-position joints.
  • Physical therapy- Best Physical Therapist Brooklyn can heal a sports injury through exercises, stretches, and massage therapy.

How to Prevent a Sports Injury From Occurring

Most sports injuries occur due to a lack of preparation, such as warming up and stretching. Some steps that you can take to prevent a sports injury include the following:

  • Using the proper technique- Learn the appropriate exercises and movements for the specific sport you are doing.
  • Using the correct equipment- Wear the proper gear and shoes to ensure your safety and protect your body.
  • Not overworking yourself- Take breaks and let your body recover when possible.
  • Slowly resume back into your sport- Ease back into exercise at a slow pace after an injury.

How to Diagnose a Sports Injury 

Sports injuries can cause immediate discomfort and can worsen over time. That is why it is essential to get an evaluation as soon as possible. A doctor will complete a physical examination, ask for your medical history, and possibly follow through with imaging tests to evaluate your injury and determine a treatment plan, such as Best Physical Therapist Brooklyn.

Contact Our Team For Best Physical Therapist Brooklyn

At H&D Physical Therapy, we can handle your sports injuries and provide physical therapy courses in New York City to relieve them. We want to help you decrease your pain and get you back to doing the sport you love. Don’t let your sports injury go untreated any longer. Contact our office today to learn more about how we go about treating sports injuries through physical therapy.

Best Physical Therapist Brooklyn

Pelvic floor physical therapy is a type of physical therapy that directly targets the pelvic floor area. The goal of therapy in this area ranges from strengthening the muscles after an injury or relieving symptoms of pelvic floor dysfunction. If you are looking for Best Physical Therapist Brooklyn, look no further than H&D Physical Therapy.

Pelvic Floor Dysfunction

People with pelvic floor dysfunction are unable to properly relax their pelvic floor muscles to have a bowel movement. A properly functioning pelvic floor allows you to control when you urinate and release feces and flatus (gas). It can be extremely embarrassing and uncomfortable when these bowel movements happen uncontrollably, which is why pelvic floor therapy in Sutton Place can be beneficial.

The pelvic floor muscles support the pelvic organs (bowel, bladder, and uterus in women) from the bottom of the pelvis. When the pelvic floor is properly relaxed, urine and feces may be passed out of the body. 

Layers and layers of tissue and muscle make up the floor of the pelvis. These layers are able to stretch from the pubic bone at the front of the body to the coccyx at the back. They also stretch side to side from one sitting bone to the other.


  • Constantly needing to use the bathroom
  • Pain when urinating
  • Lower back pain
  • Discomfort in the pelvic area, genitals, or rectum
  • Long-term constipation or painful pushing to pass a bowel movement
  • Leaking stool or urine

In Men

Pelvic floor dysfunction can affect both men and women as the pelvic floor muscles play such a big part in sexual activity and function for men and women. However, there are some pelvic conditions that can be unique to solely males or females.

For men, the pelvic floor controls erectile function and ejaculation. It can also exist while a man is suffering from other conditions that may include:

  • Male urinary dysfunction
  • Erectile dysfunction
  • Prostatitis

In Women

In women, the ability to contract your pelvic floor plays a part in sexual stimulation and arousal. Also, the pelvic floor serves as additional support for the baby during pregnancy for women who become pregnant. Then during the birthing process, it’s crucial that the woman’s pelvic floor is relaxed so as not to cause problems while the baby is exiting the birth canal.

It is important to note that pelvic floor dysfunction is not the same thing as pelvic organ prolapse. Pelvic organ prolapse occurs when the muscles that hold a woman’s pelvic organs where they are supposed to be become too loose to hold them in place. This can cause the woman’s pelvic organs to visibly extend out of the vagina or rectum. If this happens, the woman may need to physically push these organs back into her body with her hands. Best Physical Therapist Brooklyn can be helpful to prevent this from occurring.


Suppose you have any of the symptoms listed above or have any other reason to believe you have pelvic floor dysfunction or pelvic organ prolapse. In that case, it’s vital to make an appointment as soon as you can with a healthcare professional. In your appointment, your healthcare provider may ask you questions such as:

  • Have you ever given birth?
  • Do you have a history of urinary tract infections?
  • If you are female, does it often hurt when you have sex?
  • Is it painful and requires much effort for you to pass a bowel movement?

After asking these questions, your healthcare provider could do a physical examination to gauge the strength of your pelvic floor muscles. This will probably involve the professional checking these muscles with their hands or giving you a vaginal or intrarectal exam. 

Treatment: Best Physical Therapist Brooklyn

Although pelvic floor dysfunction may be uncomfortable, it can be treated relatively quickly in most cases. Surgery is not a needed treatment, and most people can seek relief through physical therapy, especially helpful getting Best Physical Therapist Brooklyn at H & H&D Physical Therapy. 

The most common treatment for pelvic floor dysfunction is biofeedback. This course of treatment is painless and helps over 75% of people who have been diagnosed with pelvic floor dysfunction. With biofeedback, a healthcare professional would use sensors and video to watch how your pelvic floor muscles react when you try to clench or relax them. Your healthcare provider then gives you feedback on what you are doing and how your muscles are reacting.

Another very common treatment is pelvic floor physical therapy. This can be done while biofeedback therapy is happening. Your physical therapist may show you how to do Kegels, which are popular exercises that involve contracting and then relaxing the pelvic floor muscles in order to strengthen them. 

Some external physical therapy techniques include trigger point therapy, skin rolling, and myofascial release (deep tissue massage). These techniques involve professionals putting pressure on areas of the lower back and pelvic regions in certain ways to reduce pain. Visit our website for more information. 

Contact Us For Best Physical Therapist Brooklyn

Pelvic floor dysfunction is a condition that affects both men and women of all ages, but it is treatable and can be treated relatively painlessly. Best Physical Therapist Brooklyn can be found at H&D Physical Therapy. Contact us today to make an appointment.