No matter what line of work you are in, our hands are one of the most used and delicate parts of our bodies. That’s why we have to do the best we can to prevent injuries from occurring. Everything has a risk of injuring your hands. Everything from typing on a keyboard to lifting heavy objects, even hobbies like sports and gardening, is risky.
Identifying common hand injuries can help you prevent future damage or learn when hand therapy in Murray Hill is necessary. If you do get injured, H&D Physical Therapy is here to help! We offer hand therapy in Murray Hill to help you gain function and mobility back.
Sudden Injury

We can classify hand injuries into two notable groups, sudden injuries and overuse injuries. First, we’ll go over sudden – also known as acute – injuries. Acute injuries occur when a harsh impact hits the hand or wrist. This type of injury often happens during high-impact sports such as football. However, a fall or accident can also cause an acute injury. Some examples of acute hand injuries include:
- Skier’s thumb – this injury occurs when the thumb is pulled too far to the side, causing the ulnar collateral ligament to tear. As the name suggests, skiers commonly get this injury during a fall while holding onto a ski pole.
- Mallet finger – Mallet finger occurs when the tendon in the fingertip gets ruptured. When the tendon gets injured, this causes the fingertip to become unable to bend. Mallet finger can happen when the fingertip is hit with a ball or slammed in a door.
- Joint sprains – A joint sprain occurs when the ligaments in the hands are stretched too far and tear. Depending on the intensity of the sprain, hand therapy in Murray Hill may be necessary.
- Broken bones – Playing high-impact sports has a higher chance of potentially breaking bones in your hands or wrist. Wearing protective gear while you are playing can help reduce that risk.
- Dislocations – When the joint is suddenly twisted, a fall occurs, or a direct blow to the joint can cause a finger to be pulled out of its socket.
Overuse Injuries
The second type of hand injury is called overuse injuries. These issues occur when too much stress is placed on a joint or muscle over time. Overdoing or repeating the same activity can cause overuse injuries.
These types of injuries usually happen in the workplace. Lifting heavy objects and repeating the same movements can contribute to overuse injuries.
Hand therapy in Murray Hill is highly effective for treating these types of problems. Some examples of overuse injuries include:
- Carpal tunnel syndrome – As the median nerve in the wrist becomes overused, swelling may occur. This swelling will put more pressure on the nerve. Carpal tunnel syndrome is caused by any repetitive movement of the wrist, including typing on a keyboard. If you have carpal tunnel syndrome, you may feel pain and numbness in your wrist and fingers.
- Tendonitis – Tendonitis is the most common type of overuse hand injury. This issue occurs when tendons in the hands become inflamed. There are different types of tendonitis depending on where the tendon is inflamed. Tendonitis in the hands often makes it painful to move your fingers and may lead to stiffness in the hands.
- De Quervain’s tenosynovitis – De Quervain’s tenosynovitis is when the thumb and wrist tendons become irritated. Any job that requires twisting the wrist or activities such as knitting can cause de Quervain’s tenosynovitis.
- Stenosing tenosynovitis – Stenosing tenosynovitis is also known as trigger finger. It is caused by the tendons on the palm side of your hand swelling. Because of the inflammation, the finger may stay in the bent position. Putting stress on your fingers can cause this condition.
How Hand Therapy in Murray Hill Can Help
If you have any of the injuries listed above, hand therapy in Murray Hill is more helpful than you think! At H&D Physical Therapy, we can use various techniques to help reduce pain and increase mobility. The type of treatment depends on the type of injury you have, but some examples of the treatments we offer include:
- Custom orthosis fabrication and taping
- Wound management
- Manual therapy to increase mobility
- Neuromuscular reeducation
- Paraffin bath
To learn more about hand therapy in Murray Hill and a complete list of the hand injures we treat, visit our website! Don’t hesitate to contact us anytime if you have any questions or if you want to make an appointment. We want you to live your life free from any pain; let us help you!
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