Did you know that the knee is one of the most common body parts to have problems too? The reason is that it’s essential to our everyday lives. There is not one day that we go without using it. Many wear and tear are caused by activities such as walking, running, bending, and standing. H&D Physical Therapy is here to solve all of your Knee problems. Schedule an appointment for Physical Therapy for knee pain in New York City today!
What are Common Knee Problems?
Many knee problems affect people of all ages. Some of these problems occur over overtime as we age and continual wear and tear on the Knee. If you’re batting with Knee problems, Physical Therapy for knee pain in New York City can help you recover. Down Below are the most common Knee problems:

- Sprained Ligaments- This occurs when the ligament and or muscle gets twisted in a specific direction. Some of the pain that will occur would be swelling and difficulty walking.
- Torn Cartilage- Since the Knee is made up of cartilage that connects the muscles, a tear in the cartilage can cause the Knee not to function correctly. You will have to wear a brace to protect the Knee because it needs some support to help heal back together.
- Tendonitis- The more you overuse your Knee, the higher chance this will likely occur. If you participate in any activities such as running, jumping, or cycling, these will be the reason for your pain.
- Arthritis- This process affects your joints as you become older. If the joints have a lot of stress, such as being overweight or having an injury, this is the leading factor.
What Can I Do to Prevent Knee Problems?
Not all Knee injuries are going to give everyone the same type of problems. Since everyone is certain different people can recover faster than others. It’s essential to seek help if you have any of the listed problems stated above. It’s not fun to be hurting so, schedule an appointment for Physical Therapy for knee pain in New York City if you are in pain. Here are some of the best ways to try to prevent any of these problems from occurring:
- Keep the excess weight off– Maintaining a healthy weight can decrease the chance of these problems from happening. Your Knees are the focal point of your body; they hold everything up. The more weight you put on, the harder it is for your joints to stay intact.
- Stay in Shape- Keeping your muscles as strong as possible is one of the best ways to prevent any injuries from occurring.
- Stay Flexible- If you have weak muscles, they’re one of the leading causes of pain. Your body depends on your knees, so keeping your legs strong can help alleviate problems. It’s also important to stretch each time after your workout to decrease the chance of causing any injuries.
- Be Smart- You know how much your body can take. Don’t over push yourself because it can cause tremendous pain later on. Take activities lightly and only as much as you can. Try other workouts that may benefit your Knees, such as swimming, for instance. It’s a great aerobic exercise that keeps a lot of pressure off of your knees.
Best Stretches for Knee Pain
- Five to ten minutes of walking or cycling
- Heel to calf stretch
- Hamstring stretch
- Quadriceps stretch
Physical Therapy for Knee pain in New York City
It’s essential to keep our Knees as healthy as possible to prevent any injuries from occurring in the future. As mentioned above, we need our Knees in our everyday lives to function properly daily. H&D Physical Therapy is here to solve all of your Knee problems. Schedule an appointment for Physical Therapy for knee pain in New York City today!
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