The pelvic region encompasses the lower abdomen and groin area. The groin area is where the upper thigh meets the lower abdomen. Pelvic issues can cause dysfunction and pain. The cause of these issues can stem from a wide breadth of conditions because the pelvis is closely connected to the abdomen, lower back, genitals, and anus. 

If you are experiencing pelvic issues, physical therapy can help relieve pain by strengthening the pelvic floor muscles while increasing mobility and flexibility. Exercising this area will help reduce stiffness and tension in the pelvis. H & D Physical therapy can help you recover from pelvic issues with our physical therapy in Flatbush, Brooklyn. Contact us to book your appointment today!

Common Causes of Pelvic Pain & Dysfunction

Conditions that can lead to pelvic issues are:

  • Urinary Tract Infection (UTI)
  • Sexually Transmitted Infection (STI)
  • Prostatitis – Inflammation of the prostate, which leads to pain in the pelvis and abdomen.
  • Prostatectomy – After undergoing this surgical procedure to remove some or all of the prostate, a common symptom of recovery is pelvic pain in the months following.
  • Erectile Dysfunction 
  • Bowel or Bladder Issues – These include stress incontinence and fecal incontinence. Strengthening the pelvic floor can reverse these conditions. 
physical therapy in Flatbush, Brooklyn

Sometimes pelvic pain is connected to a lower back problem or abdominal problem. Pain in the pelvis is also a sign of appendicitis, lower back issues, and other serious conditions. It is critical to consult a doctor to determine the source of the pain in the pelvis before starting treatment.


The best treatment for pelvic issues is to start physical therapy. It is important to get physical services that specialize in male pelvic health and focus on pelvic floor strengthening. This treatment will help you to regain strength in your pelvis.

Strengthening your pelvic floor can help to address the issues that are causing pain in the pelvis. Pelvic-focused physical therapy treatment will involve abdominal massage and core and pelvic floor exercises. It may also include visceral mobilization, posture correction, and nutrition education. Our physical therapy in Flatbush, Brooklyn, will provide you with all the training and information you need to recover from pelvic pain and dysfunction.

Physical therapy can help increase mobility in the pelvic floor. There are many benefits to pelvic floor exercises, also called kegel exercises. A great aspect of these exercises is that you can do them anywhere. They can be done lying down, sitting, or standing, so learning these will be a great exercise to include in your daily routine whenever you have a few minutes. As with any muscle, continually doing these exercises will result in a strong pelvic floor. 

Key benefits of pelvic floor training exercises include: 

  • Treatment for Stress Incontinence – Better bladder control
  • Fecal incontinence
  • Prostate Pain Relief
  • Improved Sexual Functioning – Kegal exercise can help treat erectile dysfunction for some men. 

There are different muscles to flex when completing Kegel exercises. Before beginning your pelvic floor muscle training exercises, it is critical to use proper technique and form to avoid injury. Our physical therapy in Flatbush, Brooklyn, can help you resolve your pelvic issues by teaching you the right exercises and assisting you along the way.

Contact Us For Physical Therapy in Flatbush Brooklyn

When you visit for your first appointment for physical therapy treatment for pelvic issues, your therapist will do a physical examination to assess your pelvic mobility and may take a rectal exam to assess the length of the muscles, tension, and ability to contract. 
To learn more about the services we provide for pelvic health and pain in men, check out our website or book a consultation for physical therapy in Flatbush, Brooklyn.