Unless you fall off of the bike, cycling is a generally low-impact activity that is more likely to get you in shape rather than injured. However, like any endurance sport, cycling can lead to a variety of injuries that, if left untreated, can become more serious. At H&D Physical Therapy, Physical Therapy Brooklyn NY, we offer targeted physical therapy services to help you prevent and recover from any injuries that may occur when cycling. Continue reading to learn about common cycling injuries and how you can avoid them.
Cycling Injuries
- Lower Back Pain – Back pain in cyclists is usually caused by sitting or hunching in the same position on the bike without breaks for extended periods. Having your bike properly fitted to your body can help you avoid back pain. Improving your core strength is also crucial to preventing back pain.
- Knee Pain – Another common complaint in cyclists is knee pain, often caused by overuse, improper bike fit, and muscle weakness. Adjusting your bike position and seat height can help prevent knee pain.
- Muscle Tightness – Your calves and hamstrings do most of the work when cycling, and muscle tightness can lead to tearing. Stretching the muscles and warming up before you get on the bike can help you avoid painful injuries.
- Achilles Tendonitis – This overuse injury can be a result of improper foot positioning on the bike. Stretching and strengthening exercises can help you prevent this injury from stopping your riding season.
- Hip Pain – Hip pain in cyclists can be caused by bursitis, impingement syndrome, or labral tears. Addressing any muscle imbalances by strengthening your hips will ease tightness and pain.
- Burning Feet – You may feel painful burning in the balls of your feet as a result of hot weather or improper footwear. Make sure your cycling shoes fit correctly and don’t squeeze your feet.
- Neck Pain – Neck pain is usually a result of poor posture and weak muscles. Keeping your neck muscles relaxed and maintaining good posture can prevent neck pain.
- Fatigue – Fatigue can cause a buildup of lactic acid and lead to muscle pain. Taping and massage therapy can help you relax muscles and avoid injury.
Cycling is good for your health if done correctly, but it can also lead to injury if you don’t know how to do it correctly. At H&D Physical Therapy, Physical Therapy Brooklyn NY, our team is here to provide you with the tools you need to become the most efficient cyclist so that you can ride your bike pain-free! Contact us today to learn more!
Physical therapy is an amazing treatment option that provides countless benefits for patients. Oftentimes, when we think of physical therapy, we only associate it with physical injuries; But did you also know that physical therapy can be used to treat a range of neurological issues as well? At H&D Physical Therapy, we specialize in treating neurological disorders through physical therapy. Our goal is to help patients overcome their symptoms and start living healthier and happier life. If you are looking for Physical Therapy Brooklyn NY, get started with us today!
Physical Therapy for Neurological Disorders
One of the main objectives of physical therapy is to improve patients’ mobility. For people who suffer from neurological disorders, getting around can be a struggle. Some side effects of neurological disorders that affect people’s mobility are:
- Loss of balance
- Loss of sensation
- Stiffness
- Weakness
- Pain
If you experience any of these symptoms as a result of a neurological issue, Physical Therapy Brooklyn NY may be right for you!
Neurological Disorders That Can Benefit From Physical Therapy
A neurological condition is a disorder that affects the brain and nerves found throughout the body. These disorders can be caused by genetics, infections, lifestyle or environmental health problems, a brain injury, or spinal cord injury. Some of the most common neurological disorders are:

- Parkinson’s Disease
- Neuromas
- Stroke
- Traumatic Brain Injury
- Multiple Sclerosis
- Peripheral Neuropathy
- Guillain-Barre Syndrome
- Chronic Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyneuropathy
- Charcot-Marie-Tooth Disorder
- Cerebral Palsy
- Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis
- Muscular Dystrophy
Each of these disorders has impacts on the body that can cause pain and decreased mobility. In physical therapy, the goal is to manage these symptoms so that the patient can function at their optimal level. No matter your condition, we offer a variety of treatment options designed to help you live a longer, healthier, happier life.
What to Expect During Treatment
At H&D Physical Therapy, our licensed therapists are specially trained to address neurological deficiencies. A treatment plan is tailored to each patient to create realistic goals.
- Evaluation: During the evaluation, a physical therapist will collect information from you about your previous medical history. They will also assess your pain levels, answer questions, and formulate an individualized treatment specifically made for your needs.
- Treatment: Treatment for a neurological condition is mainly focused on reducing the side effects of the disorder. Some of the main forms of treatment used are:
- Balance and gait exercises to improve mobility and reduce the risk for falls
- Manual therapy to address soft tissue and joint mobilization
- Specific resistive exercises for strengthening
- Functional muscle lengthening
- Long-Term Results: Another main focus during treatment is patient education. We offer training in the use of orthotics or assistive devices so that patients can achieve long-term results and prevent future injury as a result of their condition.
Physical Therapy Brooklyn NY
Neurological disorders can have lifelong effects on the body. Alternatively, they can also have effects on the mind as pain, limited mobility, and loss of balance can be damaging to one’s mental health. That’s why at H&D Physical Therapy, we want to help you manage your condition by alleviating some of your symptoms! If you have suffered from a stroke or were diagnosed with a degenerative disease such as Parkinson’s Disease or Muscular Dystrophy, let physical therapy help you regain mobility and manage your symptoms.
If you are looking for Physical Therapy Brooklyn NY, H&D Physical Therapy is here for you. Don’t let a disorder determine your quality of life. Learn more about the life-changing benefits by contacting us today! To get started, call or visit our website to schedule an appointment!

Did you know that the knee is one of the most common body parts to have problems too? The reason is that it’s essential to our everyday lives. There is not one day that we go without using it. Many wear and tear are caused by activities such as walking, running, bending, and standing. H&D Physical Therapy is here to solve all of your Knee problems. Schedule an appointment for Physical Therapy Brooklyn NY today!
What are Common Knee Problems?
Many knee problems affect people of all ages. Some of these problems occur over overtime as we age and continual wear and tear on the Knee. If you’re batting with Knee problems, Physical Physical Therapy Brooklyn NY can help you recover. Down Below are the most common Knee problems:

- Sprained Ligaments- This occurs when the ligament and or muscle gets twisted in a specific direction. Some of the pain that will occur would be swelling and difficulty walking.
- Torn Cartilage- Since the Knee is made up of cartilage that connects the muscles, a tear in the cartilage can cause the Knee not to function correctly. You will have to wear a brace to protect the Knee because it needs some support to help heal back together.
- Tendonitis- The more you overuse your Knee, the higher chance this will likely occur. If you participate in any activities such as running, jumping, or cycling, these will be the reason for your pain.
- Arthritis- This process affects your joints as you become older. If the joints have a lot of stress, such as being overweight or having an injury, this is the leading factor.
What Can I Do to Prevent Knee Problems?
Not all Knee injuries are going to give everyone the same type of problems. Since everyone is certain different people can recover faster than others. It’s essential to seek help if you have any of the listed problems stated above. It’s not fun to be hurting so, schedule an appointment for Physical Therapy Brooklyn NY if you are in pain. Here are some of the best ways to try to prevent any of these problems from occurring:
- Keep the excess weight off– Maintaining a healthy weight can decrease the chance of these problems from happening. Your Knees are the focal point of your body; they hold everything up. The more weight you put on, the harder it is for your joints to stay intact.
- Stay in Shape- Keeping your muscles as strong as possible is one of the best ways to prevent any injuries from occurring.
- Stay Flexible- If you have weak muscles, they’re one of the leading causes of pain. Your body depends on your knees, so keeping your legs strong can help alleviate problems. It’s also important to stretch each time after your workout to decrease the chance of causing any injuries.
- Be Smart- You know how much your body can take. Don’t over push yourself because it can cause tremendous pain later on. Take activities lightly and only as much as you can. Try other workouts that may benefit your Knees, such as swimming, for instance. It’s a great aerobic exercise that keeps a lot of pressure off of your knees.
Best Stretches for Knee Pain
- Five to ten minutes of walking or cycling
- Heel to calf stretch
- Hamstring stretch
- Quadriceps stretch
Physical Therapy Brooklyn NY
It’s essential to keep our Knees as healthy as possible to prevent any injuries from occurring in the future. As mentioned above, we need our Knees in our everyday lives to function properly daily. H&D Physical Therapy is here to solve all of your Knee problems. Schedule an appointment for Physical Therapy Brooklyn NY today!
How Can You Benefit From Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy

Physical therapy for pelvic health Physical Therapy Brooklyn NY is available to people of all ages and genders who experience pelvic floor pain or dysfunction. Did you know that male urinary incontinence affects up to 11% of the population? Each patient is unique, as is each diagnosis. Treatments at H&D Physical Therapy for pelvic floor physical therapy can range and include:
- mobilization of soft tissues
- pelvic floor muscles and supporting tissues myofascial released
- mobilization of the viscera
- stomach massage
- retraining your posture
- core and pelvic floor muscle coordination exercises
Additional modalities include biofeedback and electrical stimulation of the pelvic muscles if considered necessary.
Why might pelvic floor physical therapy be necessary?
Physical therapy for the pelvic health Physical Therapy Brooklyn NY alleviates discomfort, weakness, and muscle dysfunction. When these muscles are in good working order, blood can flow to the connective and muscle tissue, which helps to increase mobility. Physical therapy for the pelvic floor aims to improve function, mobility, and range of motion. We will try to locate any tight connective tissues or muscle trigger points that may be the source of any pain or discomfort. Your symptoms will determine the precise therapy strategy we suggest for your requirements. While other symptoms call for strengthening those muscles, other symptoms can be alleviated by relaxing and lengthening the pelvic floor muscles.
The symptoms listed below are potential indicators of pelvic floor dysfunction. Be sure to share any of these symptoms you may be experiencing with your doctor.
- Needing to use the restroom frequently
- Constipation (also known as a painful bowel movement)
- Urine or stool leaks (incontinence)
- Uncomfortable or frequent urination
- Lower back discomfort with no apparent cause
- Experiencing persistent pain in your rectum, genitalia, or pelvis. With or without a bowel movement, pain can happen.
Pelvic health physical therapy for both men and women consists of specialized training in internal and external management of the pelvic floor to carry out a successful evaluation and treatment plan.
Contact Us: Pelvic Health Physical Therapy Brooklyn NY
If you feel you can benefit from pelvic health physical therapy NYC, contact our team at H&D Physical Therapy to make an appointment with us. You can also check out our website or give us a call to learn more about us!
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