Chronic pain is persistent and can last weeks to years, leading to severe injuries later in life if untreated. Long-term or chronic pain can be stressful and make your everyday activities more difficult. Chronic pain may be caused by inflammation or by dysfunctional nerves. An interconnected and complex chain of events is required every time we move but can get disrupted at any time. Physical therapy is the first and most reliable form of treatment for patients dealing with any form of chronic pain. 

To reach your goals for recovery, you need one-on-one time with your therapist. At H&D Physical Therapy, our trusted Physical Therapists near Lexington Avenue, NY, are experienced in treating each patient with their undivided attention during your sessions. 

Physical Therapy for Chronic Pain

Pain often occurs when there is a disruption somewhere in that complex chain of events, and pain in one area may be a problem located in a different part of the body. Physical therapy is the source for treating chronic or long-term injuries. Physical therapy should not hurt and will be safe, but using a part of your body with chronic pain can be challenging. At H&D Physical Therapy, our therapists will first be able to examine where the pain is coming from and how it happened with a series of questions to uncover surprising roots. 

physical therapy near Lexington avenue

A few things to expect are talking to an expert in treating your condition while being in a supportive and collaborative therapeutic environment. Therapists will observe how your joints move as a system, then assess your strength and endurance to determine the cause of pain. Our Physical therapy near Lexington Avenue, NY, has expertise in managing pain and treating people, not only body parts. Some specialties at H&D Physical Therapy are listed below. 

  • Orthopedics 
  • Pelvic Pain
  • Hand Therapy
  • Sports injuries 
  • Vestibular Therapy 
  • Post Surgical Therapy 
  • Post Acute Covid-19 Therapy

How Does Physical Therapy Treat Pain?

Physical therapists have a lot of training and experience from patients dealing with the same or different conditions you may be facing. Physical therapy is safe, but difficult when using a part of your body injured with chronic pain. Our physical therapy near Lexington Avenue has specific treatment plans right for you based on your needs. To get all the benefits of your session, it is important to stick with your plan and touch base with your therapist daily. In a physical therapy session, you will be expected to participate in many different exercises; some exercises and treatments therapists recommend for chronic pain are listed below. 

  • Low impact aerobic training- Before strengthening exercises, revving up your heart rate with warm-ups like walking, biking, and stretching can ease up your joints before and after workout sessions. 
  • Strengthening Exercises- After warming up, strengthening exercises like using machines or resistance bands can help you get back into weight, lifting your body weight and rebuilding your strength back up again. 
  • Pain Relief Exercises- These exercises will target your pain, making you stronger and more flexible while easing the pain. These Exercises might hurt during or after your session, but there is a reason, as your therapist will have a proper plan for you.
  • Stretching- The most important part of warming up is stretching. Your therapist will make sure to do stretches every day and before your Therapy sessions. Stretching will ease your joints, making your body lose. 
  • Heat and Ice Packs- Use these well and daily. Ice will help with inflammation and numb the pain. Heat can warm and relax your muscles, causing fewer strains and pain. Ice and heat are good treatments after pain relief exercises for when you are feeling sore afterward. 
  • Massages- Massaging the injured area may hurt, but make sure it is safe with your therapist to massage gently. Over time it will ease the pain making you more flexible and moving better. 

Book an Appointment At H&D Physical Therapy Near Lexington Avenue, NY

Living with Chronic pain can last a long time while it weakens your strength, and it shouldn’t be left untreated. Physical therapy is the best choice you can make when you have long-term pain. Better begin here, take the step and call for an appointment at H&D Physical Therapy for the best physical therapy near Lexington Avenue, NY.