Childbirth is a beautiful and extremely fulfilling time in the lives of new mothers. The period of pregnancy is anything but brief and can span around nine months. During this time, not only will you be carrying a child inside you that will be growing larger and heavier day by day, but you may be experiencing an increase in musculoskeletal fatigue as you inch closer and closer to the birthdate of the child. Not being able to involve yourself in your usual physical activities for such a long period has its consequences. Our team at H&D Physical therapy offers physical therapy in Crown Heights at our Park Slope office, and we think we can help get you back on your feet.
Postpartum conditions you may experience
- Weight gain
- The amount of weight gain experienced during pregnancy places a huge amount of stress and tension on your joints and ligaments in your spine, pelvis, and legs which may also alter your posture and cause an imbalance in your musculature.
- Changes in ligaments
- Ligaments in the body change during pregnancy and become more relaxed and stretchy to prepare for the birthing process. This can cause weakness while involving yourself in intense physical activities.
- Pelvic issues
- During the birthing process, the pelvic may experience a significant amount of trauma due to having to get the baby out of the mother’s body through such a tight space. This can cause urinary leakage as the muscles involved in holding in urine may be weakened.
Can physical therapy help after pregnancy?
We are glad to inform you that most diagnoses of postpartum musculoskeletal conditions can be successfully helped with physical therapy. Our team at H&D Physical therapy offers physical therapy in Crown Heights at our Park Slope location, that could help with the many issues that you may be dealing with after your pregnancy.
Contact H&D Physical Therapy
If you are seeking physical therapy in Crown Heights at our Park Slope office, then you have stumbled onto the right place. Our team at H&D Physical therapy is dedicated to assisting you in your recovery from pregnancy. We aim to help you achieve the body you once had and help you get back on your feet. To learn more, contact our website to learn more.
For many, unless they have already visited a doctor and have received a recommendation for vestibular therapy, this treatment option is relatively unknown or uncommon. What is common is the symptom for which vestibular therapy treats: dizziness. Every single year in the US, over 10 million people will visit their physician with the complaint of dizziness. Dizziness is the most common symptom of patients over the age of 75. It is time for everyone to get better informed on vestibular therapy here, with answers to some of the most frequently asked questions about vestibular therapy! For more information on vestibular therapy and treatment with physical therapy in Crown Heights, contact the experts at H&D Physical Therapy in Park Slope!
What Exactly is Vestibular Therapy?
Vestibular therapy, or vestibular rehabilitation therapy, is a specialized form of physical therapy used to treat vestibular disorders (disorders affecting the sensory system responsible for balance and coordination) characterized by the feeling of dizziness, vertigo, or problems with balance, posture, and/or vision.
What Does Vestibular Therapy Involve?
Therapy involves a personalized exercise program created based on your specific ailments. Programs are usually 1-2 times per week for around 6-8 weeks. Some exercises you can expect to work on with your therapist can include:
- Neck mobility/stretching.
- Vision stability training.
- Posture training.
- Balance retraining.
- And many more!
Does Vestibular Therapy Really Work?
Yes! This form of therapy has proven to be effective for many. For many, vestibular therapy will be the only treatment they need to get rid of their symptoms, while for others, it still acts as a pre or post-surgery treatment plan to achieve desired results. Specific outcomes many can expect with vestibular training include but are not limited to:
- Better balance and decreased risk of falling.
- Improved vision stability and coordination.
- And most importantly, fewer dizziness symptoms!
Expectations and results can be specified and explained in full by the specially trained and certified physical therapists at H&D Physical Therapy‘s Park Slope office for those intrigued by the notion of physical therapy in Crown Heights!
Contact H&D Physical Therapy Physical Therapy in Crown Heights
If you or a loved one is experiencing any discomfort associated with dizziness, make an appointment with H&D Physical Therapy to get a diagnosis and personalized treatment option! Discover how our team of physical therapists at the Park Slop office specialize in physical therapy in Crown Heights can help you today!
Plastic surgery is one of the most commonly done procedures in the United States, yet many do not take steps to ensure the best possible post-surgery care. Providers do more than 15 million cosmetic surgery procedures a year. Physical therapy after any kind of surgical procedure is a necessary step to help your healing. Thankfully, at H&D Physical Therapy Park Slope office, we have you covered for physical therapy in Crown Heights. Now, we can look at how exactly physical therapy can benefit you after plastic surgery.
The Many Types of Plastic Surgery
Liposuction can often leave intense scarring and pain in your abdomen. Thankfully, we can offer a post-op massage to help you heal just right. We can drain the lymphatic nodes through deep and constant pressure, and we can drain the lymphatic nodes, which helps you with swelling and excess scar formation. After three weeks, we can help you begin light cardio workouts. This can include walking or cycling on a machine. All patients are required to wear a compress on the affected area to minimize swelling. We can ease you back into weightlifting and running two weeks after cardio begins.
Procedures and Physical Therapy in Crown Heights
Abdominoplasty, also known as a Tummy Tuck, has a much longer recovery period than liposuction, which we can also aid you with. This is due to the restoration of weakened muscles, which creates a smoother profile on the operated area. Physical therapy should begin four days after the operation, with some of the same treatment as liposuction. We mostly focus on draining the lymph nodes and applying pressure where needed to help you regain full movement and decrease swelling.
Unfortunately, you have to wait four weeks before the light cardio phase due to the more invasive nature. Then, exercise must be gradually built up before you are allowed to work your core again about eight weeks later. We can guide you through this extremely delicate process to prevent any unnecessary pain and swelling.
Facial cosmetic surgeries of any kind demand no physical activity for at least four weeks. Bleeding can occur due to the delicate nature of your face when blood pressure rises. This could even complicate things to the point where a second operation could be necessary. Massage therapy is helpful for lymph node drainage and to prevent bruising on your face.
Breast Augmentation or reduction requires as little use of the pectoral muscles as possible during the recovery period. It is recommended you exercise your lower body and avoid any bouncing motions or upper body exercises. We can walk you through a program that most efficiently addresses your recovery, but it is recommended that at least four weeks go by before slowly returning to normal exercises. Massage therapy is also beneficial during these procedures due to how painful the affected area can get without proper care. We can help you adapt to the implants and normalize your sensitivity much faster.
No matter what kind of surgery you undergo, we can work with your surgeon to provide a case-by-case treatment to help prevent scar tissue, decrease swelling, restore movement, and increase circulation. Shortening your recovery period as much as possible is the goal!
Contact Us For Physical Therapy in Crown Heights
In short, physical therapy can help tremendously after any kind of surgery, including plastic surgery. Typically, cosmetic surgery recovery is a lot of rest and doctor visits, but we can help you with so much more than that. You can improve your mobility through physical therapy, ease your pain and swelling, reduce scar tissue formation on affected areas, and prevent any secondary issues from popping up. Decreased blood flow to the area you were operated on can affect healing if not adequately cared for.
Your muscles can atrophy and weaken during the recovery period for a lot of surgeries, which can negatively affect you. Many surgeons often recommend sessions with a physical therapist. Usually, ten or more sessions of massages and ultrasound lymphatic drainage are standard! Make sure to consult your doctor and contact us if you need any physical therapy in Crown Heights at our Park Slope office. At H&D Physical Therapy, we are devoted to giving you the best care possible and shortening your recovery time!
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