The knee is the most common joint that is replaced in the entire body. Initially, after a knee replacement, you will likely deal with some uncomfortable pain and stiffness in the area. Luckily, now that the surgery is over, it’s time to start working towards restoring strength mobility in your knee. Physical Therapy Near Park Ave is designed to regain the strength and mobility your knee needs after knee replacement. 

Right After Surgery 

You may spend a few days in the hospital after your knee surgery. Depending on your condition, you might even go home on the same day. After the surgery, a physical therapist will likely stop by with some information. They will most likely educate you on applying ice, elevating your leg, and using compression wraps to control swelling in the knee area and help with incision healing. 

A physical therapist can teach you breathing exercises to help with relaxing and show you how to properly maneuver and move around after the surgery. They might show you how to walk with crutches and help you with flexibility and strengthening exercises. After that, Physical Therapy Near Park Ave is used for personalized exercises and care. 

Post Surgery Recovery 

The first two weeks of knee surgery recovery should be focused on managing pain, decreasing swelling, and healing any incisions caused by the surgery. After those two weeks, Physical Therapy Near Park Ave will arrange motions and exercises for your training. 

Physical Therapy Exercises 

For one, doctors recommend walking 20 to 30 minutes two or three times a day. This works to strengthen the knee and slow the development of scar tissue that may reduce your range of motion. Additionally, physical therapists will work with you on exercises that are designed to: 

  • Increase range of motion 
  • Strengthen muscles 
  • Ease pain and swelling 
  • Reestablish joint movements 
  • Promote healing 
  • Increase flow of blood around the knee 

Some exercises you can practice with a physical therapist following a knee replacement surgery include: 

  • Ankle pumps. Pointing and pulling the ankle of the surgical leg by pumping the foot up and down. 
  • Quadriceps sets. Tightening the thigh muscle by pushing the knee down. 
  • Gluteal Sets. Squeezing the buttock together and tightening those muscles. 
  • Heel slides. Bending the surgical knee by sliding the heel towards your back. 
  • Straight leg raises. Tightening the knee on the surgical leg and slowly lifting the leg. 
  • Sitting knee flexion. Sliding one foot back and bending the surgical knee. 
  • Seated knee extension. Straightening the surgical leg in a seated position. 

Physical Therapy Near Park Ave is often a very crucial step in recovery after a knee replacement. It works to regain your ability to do things involved in everyday life activities. Your physical therapist will help you with the exercises when you start, and then you will be able to continue them on your own.  Your situation depends on how long you partake in physical therapy after a knee replacement. However, most patients usually undergo about 3 to 4 weeks of formal physical therapy. 

Physical Therapy Near Park Ave

Proper physical therapy designed for your case is very important after healing from a knee replacement. Regaining motion and strength in the knee will be necessary to get back to your healthy lifestyle. H&D Physical Therapy delivers highly skilled therapy with closely monitored personalized care to get you healthy and strong. Contact us today to book your appointment and start your physical therapy care.

Have you ever had an injury, surgery, or chronic pain? We’ve all been there. It is a constant struggle to live daily life. Most conditions require Physical Therapy Near Park Ave. At H&D Physical Therapy, we strive to relieve your condition one step at a time so that you can function better.

What is physical therapy?

Physical therapy, also known as physiotherapy, is a therapy given to help relieve the body from injury, surgery, and pain. Our physical therapists perform a variety of techniques to help patients recover and maintain function. There are a variety of reasons for physical therapy:

Physical Therapy Near Park Ave
  • Chronic pain
  • Sports injury
  • Surgery
  • Disability
  • Pregnancy and postpartum care
  • Improve mobility
  • Chronic illnesses like diabetes or heart disease

What will you expect from physical therapy?

Your first session with Physical Therapy Near Park Ave will be a complete evaluation. We will properly assess your medical history, narrowing it down to the main issue. The examination will consist of checking bodily function to determine the issue. This will help us set your goals for treatment. A typical session with our physical therapy near Lenox Hill is about 45 to 60 minutes. This is the perfect amount of time given so that you will receive the best treatment. Some treatments include:

  • Exercise
  • Stretches
  • Massage or cold therapy
  • Practice with objects to help functionality

What are the benefits of Physical Therapy Near Park Ave?

The benefits of physical therapy are long-term as it steadily improves everyday function. Depending on the condition, physical therapy speeds recovery time. For example, post-surgery requires increased mobility to prevent blood clotting and increase body function. It might take months to heal fully. However, the extraordinary results are worth living a healthier life. Some goals include:

  • Improve movement and motion
  • Strengthen muscles
  • Reduce pain
  • Help to walk
  • Typical daily activities like getting dressed

Physical therapy treats chronic pain by focusing on a light training program. A session might include:

  • Low-impact aerobic activities – Working on your joints is important. You might ride a bike or walk fast.
  • Strengthening exercises – Resistance bands to work on squats and core exercises.
  • Massage – A massage would be given to warm up the muscles prior to the training program.

H&D Physical Therapy Near Park Ave

Physical therapy is a way to recover and maintain bodily functions. In order to do so, it is important to remain focused on your training program. Depending on the condition, the training program varies. At H&D Physical Therapy, we will ensure that you receive the best physical therapy next Lenox Hill. Contact us to schedule your Physical Therapy Near Park Ave now!

“Whether you had a cosmetic surgery procedure or were involved in an accident, there are certain exercises that will help you recover faster and feel better. Most doctors recommend physical therapy after plastic surgery.” Reach out to H&D Physical Therapy for post plastic surgery care today!

Physical Therapy Near Park Ave is one key to shortening your recovery time after plastic surgery. Your physical therapist can recommend the best exercises for you, which will improve circulation in your newly operated area and allow it to heal faster.

Your physical therapist will also teach you special stretching techniques that will improve the range of motion in your joints. Once you are able to do this, you might find that your pain is relieved, and you can move around more easily.

Post plastic surgery care in Turtle Bay

In some cases, physical therapy may be combined with electrical stimulation in a TENS unit to speed up the healing process even further.

Main Goals: 

The main goal of Physical Therapy Near Park Ave is to improve mobility and strength in each impaired area of the body. You will also learn a series of exercises that can be done at home. If you have been injured in an accident, your physical therapist may work with you to create a program for home exercise as well so you can recover from your injuries as quickly as possible.

In the case of post-operative scarring where the skin has been removed or tightened, your physical therapist can perform scar massage techniques that will give you the best results in terms of appearance and mobility. You might also be taught deep tissue massage for this area to help reduce pain, spasms, and tension.

Massage is often recommended after plastic surgery to aid in Physical Therapy Near Park Ave. This can be done either by a licensed massage therapist or a physical therapist.

How You Benefit:

Physical therapy after plastic surgery can ease pain and improve mobility, as well as decrease recovery times. The length of time that you need physical therapy will depend on the type of procedure that was performed and how quickly your body heals. As always, you should follow the advice of your doctor when it comes to resuming Post plastic surgery care.

Physical therapy after plastic surgery is vital to restoring function after an injury or surgery. Speak with your doctor about starting physical therapy as soon as possible following your plastic surgery appointment for the best results.

Contact Us For Physical Therapy Near Park Ave:

H&D Physical Therapy’s team will provide patients with the best Physical Therapy Near Park Ave. We provide individualized treatment plans for all patients, resulting in the best possible treatment. Give us a call today!